The Course

This course aims to demystify perimenopause, acknowledging the puzzling changes in the body and the rollercoaster of hormonal fluctuations. It covers the biological and psychological shifts women experience during this phase, from hot flushes and mood swings to sleep disturbances and more. I want to equip you with the understanding and awareness to recognise these signs and know what they are clues for.

We also look at how to engage with healthcare providers to navigate perimenopause effectively, how to initiate conversations with GPs, armed with knowledge and pertinent questions. The ultimate aim is to empower individuals to advocate for themselves confidently, ensuring a smoother perimenopausal journey. Please also use your newfound knowledge to support other women experiencing similar journeys.

I want to give everyone access to evidence based information on hormones. Here's your opportunity to learn what I go through with all my patients.

The course is packed with easy-to-digest information, up-to-date research, and real-life strategies to manage what you're going through.

I've also included downloadable resources, ensuring that you've got all you need at your fingertips. Including a workbook with prompts for you to fill in with your symptoms, experiences, questions and treatment options, and take with you to your appointment if you wish. As well as videos where I chat about my experience as a GP and share lessons, interesting facts, and tips I've learned along the way.

I'm excited for you to dive in and arm yourself with knowledge that turns those daunting doctor's visits into empowering discussions.

Please ask any questions, we are always learning from our community too!

What you will learn

  • Understand your cycle and how hormones affect us throughout our lives, and particularly as we move into perimenopause and beyond, so you can walk into your doctor's office feeling informed and ready to engage in a conversation about your symptoms.
  • The various symptoms of perimenopause and tips on how to spot if your symptoms may be due to your hormones.
  • An overview of options for managing symptoms of perimenopause including Menopause Hormone Therapy
  • Tips for preparing for a GP appointment and how to get the most out of your appointment.

Who is this course for?

Anyone preparing for, or experiencing, perimenopause, or symptoms in post menopause. Especially those wondering about making an appointment with their GP or health care provider. People who work with people who are on their hormone journey may also benefit.

When should I do the course?

At any stage of your journey will be beneficial, but if you had at least a few months before an appointment to start tracking symptoms and your period would make the most of the workbook. We have also had customers do the course the evening before their appointment who found it helpful. Some may find it useful even after their first appointment.


  • This course is tailored for New Zealand residents.
  • While this information is valuable, it is not a substitute for personalised medical advice from a qualified professional.


Available in days
days after you enroll
  The Hormonal Journey
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Identifying Symptoms
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Improve Your Hormonal Wellbeing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Next Steps
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Before Your Appointment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  In Your Appointment
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Going Forwards
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Additional Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Evaluation
Available in days
days after you enroll



“This is the most incredible, comprehensive informational tool I've ever seen!”

“...a lot of your information has resonated with me and actually made me cry! Good crying though, relief crying knowing that what I’ve been going through is normal. I think this is going to help a lot of people and give them the courage to make the next step.”

“Absolutely amazing workbook for women to take to a GP appointment. Helpful for everyone involved, including the GP!”

"- inspiring and encouraging”

“I think it's great. Comprehensive but presents the information in a way that is easy to understand. I really like the thread of reassurance throughout the course.”

The Creator

Dr Samantha Newman brings almost 20 years worth of experience of study and work in the health of women.

Dr Sam is a General Practitioner who wants to make health more accessible and applicable for everyone. In fact redefine what health really means.

In this course you will journey with her, like she journeys with her patients as they navigate what has happened previously in their lives to understand what happened then, and what may be happening now.

As an educator and facilitator of the course “Is it hormones?” Samantha merges her extensive background with a genuine passion for patient-centered education. Recognizing the gap in communication between patients and healthcare providers, she has developed this course to equip individuals with the confidence to engage in informed conversations about perimenopause.